Testicular Cancer

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change have to change them yourself.”

The first quarter year is gone. As the year starts, everyone goes on and on about their new year resolutions and goals that they hope to have achieved by the end of the year. The semi ambitious ones break down those goals into quarterly goals, all tied to the bigger picture, while the ambitious ones draw a vision board and put down  their goals,   broken down into a plan that will lead to achieving the semi-goals and then later the ultimate goal.

Here at Eddah’s Hope, our main goal is creating a cancer free African generation, this goal will be realised through creating cancer awareness and our “sub-goals” include creating awareness on all types of cancer, which are broken down into monthly areas of focus. During this month of April, it’s all about “Testicular cancer,” commonly known as “cancer of the balls.”

Testicular cancer affects  men aged 15-40, which is commonly referred to as “the prime youth” for men. However, testicular cancer records the highest cure rates among all cancers, but just like all the other cancers can recur.

See our “prevention” tab to learn more about testicular cancer.

Also join the conversation on social media,

Facebook: @cancer soldiers

Twitter: @Eddahs_Hope.

Instagram: Eddahs_hope.

“A moment of awkwardness could save a lifetime talk about testicular cancer.”