The Gala Dinner

The Charity Gala Dinner is an event where #CancerSoldiers get to dress up and come together for a night of fun, networking and fundraising while sharing their experiences in the continued fight against Cancer. The annual event is also the perfect platform to highlight the various activities and achievements that have taken place over the past one year, the challenges faced and the progress made towards realizing the vision of “A Cancer-Free African Generation.”

Over the past 3 years, a total of well over 1,000 people have attended the gala, and they have helped Eddah’s Hope Cancer Foundation raise well over KES 7.76 million through various activities including sponsorships, donations and auctions during the Gala Dinner.

The proceeds raised in the past have gone a long way towards towards funding our projects namely,

  • Cancer Mtaani, which is a project that has seen us reach out to several public universities in marginalised areas in Kiambu and Nairobi to create Cancer awareness, provide Cancer screening facilities and medical consultations.
  • Call To Care, a project that has seen us make visits to over 7 palliative care hospices
    in and around the greater Nairobi and its neighboring towns, where we provided much needed medical supplies of the facilities and spent time with potential patients and their families.
  • The Young Cancer Soldier Movement (YCSM), a project that had us engage students in high schools through holding sensitization sessions.

Why Sponsor & Partner

  • Support community cancer awareness projects.
  • It is a perfect networking opportunity.
  • Brand visibility.
  • It will pave a way for you to define your Corporate’s identity.
  • A way for your employees to combine efforts and work together towards a worthy cause.

Sponsorship Tiers

Corporate Sponsor

Benefits include:

  • 1 corporate table of 10.
  • A gift bag of goodies.
  • PSA from MC.
  • Certificate of appreciation.

Visionary Sponsor

Benefits include:

  • 1 corporate table of 10.
  • VIP sitting position.
  • A gift bag of goodies.
  • Shopping vouchers from one of our local supermarkets.
  • Access to a butler.
  • Mentions on our social media pages.
  • Company logo to appear on the Eddah’s Hope Cancer Foundation Website as our corporate sponsor.
  • Company Logo to appear on all Gala signage.
  • PSAs from the MC.
  • Certificate of appreciation.

Impact Sponsor

Benefits include:

  • 1 corporate table of 10.
  • A gift bag goodies.
  • Prime sitting position.
  • Features on our social media pages.
  • Company logo to appear on the organization’s website.
  • PSAs from the MC.
  • Certificate of appreciation.

Bridge Sponsor

Benefits include:

  • 1 corporate table of 10.
  • A gift bag of goodies.
  • Features on our social media pages.
  • Company Logo on all Gala signage.
  • PSAs from the MC.
  • Certificate of Appreciation.

In Kind Sponsorship

  • Media Coverage.
  • Photography.
  • Alcohol Sponsorship.
  • Items for gift bags.
  • Entertainment.
  • Vouchers. (Spa Vouchers, Shopping vouchers e.t.c.)

Donated products & services will be offered as live auctions, silent auctions, raffle prizes and giveaways during the gala dinner event.

Benefits include:

  • Name of the organizations or individuals of those donating live auction items will be announced during the live auctions, and will appear with a short description, or company logo in the evening program and on the digital screen.
  • Mentions on our social media pages and website.
  • PSAs from the MC.
  • A certificate of recognition signed by EHCF.

Your kind gift enables us to create awareness and alleviate the cancer burden experienced by families in Africa.