
What Our Donors Over the World Are Saying

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2013 and life after that has been a roller coaster. Some days are good while others are just, well, just days.
Did I see it coming? Well, no I did not. I did not know of the signs and symptoms then, so I just dismissed the heavy bleeding as extended periods.

The aftermath was not an easy one either. The rounds of chemo’ I had to go through and then there was the stigma that came with it due to the bad smell caused by the discharge. All in all, my family, my son and brother were there for me. They got me through it all. Through the pain, through the agony, through the dark days when I thought giving up was an option.

All in all, it has been a long journey and all I want women out here to know is that  cervical cancer is the easiest cancer to prevent. You don't have to wait for the signs and symptoms to start showing to go for screening. I encourage my fellow women to go for regular screening, and for the infected, don't give up the fight. Families should be supportive to their sick members and stop the stigma.

Harold Tende

I was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal carcinoma head & neck cancer in 2015 at just 18 years old and I began treatment at Mp Shah cancer center, doing both chemotherapy and radiotherapy
In my mind I knew  something big and scary was coming  after going through 6 months of agonizing pain.
I took the message that I had cancer as it was and would have fight it head on. At just 18yrs old i had my whole life ahead of  me, and I could not let cancer destroy that.
Mostly I can say what made me get through it was the support from my friends, family and teammates and my undying spirit to get back into playing rugby, which has always been my passion.
If cancer was a person and I was seated in the room with it I will simply let it know that I concur it any day anytime not by might but  by power God’s spirit has  bestowed upon me

Harold Tende

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