With the Maina Kageni 10 Million Mission, we were able to raise Kshs.23 million which was used to buy medical equipment and supplies that were DONATED to the Children’s Cancer Ward at the Kenyatta National Hospital.

The Foundation, in partnership with Rockefeller Foundation, RENOVATED Thika Level 5 Paediatric Ward at a cost of Ksh.600, 000.

The Foundation has VISITED over 12 hospices through our CALL TO CARE initiative and donated much need items to patients.

Through the Foundation’s GRANT-A- SMILE project for terminally ill cancer patients, we were able to BRING JOY to 140 terminally ill patients.

The Foundation has been PAYING NHIF bills of 350 FAMILIES at a cost of Kshs. 1.8 million.

The Foundation has successfully organized the following events in Nairobi, Kenya, which helped create awareness on cancer:

a) The Annual #cancersoldiers charity Gala  which CELEBRATES outstanding groups, individuals and organizations that have been active in the fight against cancer in Kenya.

b) KICKING CANCER football tournament whose proceeds worth Kshs. 900, 000 went toward the Kenyatta National Hospital children’s ward.

c) Burst Out Cancer event where funds worth Kshs. 288, 000 raised from the event were used to purchase MASTECTOMY BRAS that were donated to breast cancer patients.

d) The Pink Affair, where funds worth Ksh. 1,440,000 creating breast cancer awareness to women in marginalised areas in Nairobi, as well as organise breast cancer screening facilities, family planning advice and education on how to do their own self breast checks.