Our Causes

You can help lots of people by donating little. See our causes.
Cancer Mtaani

Cancer Mtaani

This campaign started in February 2017 and will run through to November 2019. It will involve the YOUTH across all 47 COUNTIES in creating awareness on cancer through the use of entertainment, as well as providing cancer information and screening services.


Young Cancer Solder Movement

Young Cancer Solder Movement

This is a cancer awareness project that seeks to educate the youth in schools and universities on the need to embrace preventive cancer care at an early stage. Reported cases of cancer are increasing daily and these young adults are on the frontline directly or indirectly, either personally afflicted or affected through diagnosed family members or friends.


Cancer Awareness Day

Cancer Awareness Day

This is a cancer awareness project that seeks to educate the public in organizations on the need to embrace preventive cancer care at an early stage. Reported cases of cancer are increasing daily and these young adults are on the frontline directly or indirectly, either personally afflicted or affected through diagnosed family members or friends.


How you can help

Numbers of Volunteers

Etiam vitae urna quis sem tempor
elementum efficitur vel massa.

Give Monthly
Number of Projects

Donec gravida sem ac augue lobortis, in
iaculis turpis tincidunt.

Numbers of Volunteer Hours

Curabitur vehicula metus sed sagittis
venenatis. Aenean laoreet ullamcorper.

Partner With Us

Where the
money goes

Current operation and program
spending breakdown

  • Education and Prevention
  • Trauma Care for Children
  • Fundraising
  • Research and Advocacy
  • Culture and Community
Education and Prevention
Trauma Care for Children
Research and Advocacy
Culture and Community

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